
Presidential Election 2016 Means Your Chance to Create

So, I won’t go into the horrible horribleness of the 2016 presidential election cycle (which, incidentially, seems like it’s been going on for four years). There’s enough stuff in the blogosphere about that.

However, I want to make a simple suggestion. After you cast your vote (you are going to vote, right?), then get in front of your computer and tap into your inner creative. Why? Well, with all the emotion and energy swirling around the election, perhaps you find yourself full of opinions. Perhaps you want to vent. Perhaps you just want to escape.

Well, that’s all grist for the writing mill.

I know it’s sometimes hard to sit down and write, and we can’t always pick the exact moment when inspiration will strike, but I really would harness the power of November 8. Even if you just spew out a bunch of your feelings as to how the 2016 presidential election made you feel, well, that’s progress. Trump and Clinton have been so much with us lately, let them inspire your characters. Perhaps Johnson and Stein can join the action as well in the supporting cast? What of all this espionage talk?

See, the best stories are all around us. We don’t have to make them up if we’re immersed in them. When high tension moments like the 2016 presidential election come around, find time in your schedule to write. Because, long after these folks have left office, the characters they inspire can live forever.

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