Mark Twain Inspires Us to Just Start!

I ran across a quote today attributed to Mark Twain (this is the Internet, so who knows…it could be something someone’s grandma said a few hours ago).

It said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

I like that. I have a few new creative projects in the works, and, quite often, the hardest part is that first step.

Let me give you a tip: if you’re considering a new blog, go get the domain name you want! If you want to write a new book, just sketch a character.

Do something. Get started. Take the very smallest step you can take to feel like you’re making some progress!

If you do, it’ll make Mark Twain (or someone’s grandma) very happy.

Quick Keys for Better E-learning: Question Everything–Even Your Intincts!

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about e-learning, it’s that I need to question that “one thing.”

In other words, my product improved when I asked myself simple questions such as: “Josh: I know you feel good about this product, but will anyone else get it?”

Many times, what I thought was right on point, simply wasn’t.

We talk to SMEs about sexual harassment, conflict minerals, and bizarre software processes. We write a good script. We feel our exercises are fair and approachable.

But we can’t simply trust that gut reaction. It’s imperative to check with someone. Run it by someone. Have someone pilot it for us.

We labor long and hard to learn about and communicate tough (and often mind-numbing) topics. And yes, we have good instincts! We need to use those instincts to get on the path to creativity. We need to use those instincts to help us connect with our target audience.

However, a product we “feel” good about or “believe” works doesn’t mean anything unless our learners can feel good about the design or believe in the objectives and content.

Question your SME. Question your design. Question your words. And, every once in a while, question your instincts.

I do.

(The “Quick Key” series provides short bursts of information on topics of interest to those in the e-learning, writing, editing, and creative fields)


This is a site for creativity. The creative process.

It’s about writing, editing, e-learning, classroom learning–lots of things!

But it doesn’t have to be all about me. Isn’t the best learning/creating/editing done collaboratively? Okay, maybe not ALL the time, but SOME of the time, right?

Anyway, this is a place for thinking, creating, and fun. Welcome!